Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day Trippin'

It looks like I'm headed to the airport but not so lucky. I am headed to surgery #11 in the Breast Cancer journey!

Getting nervous now...

Like my outfit!

This was our view for 2 hours while we waiting.

Happy medicine! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! They were taking me back at this point. I didn't even care about the party hat!

Is it funny now? I was sacked out.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Cathy and I tried on the outfits to make sure they were festive enough!

Debbie and I decked them out!

Top hat to patent leather toes! Dont' forget the pot-o-gold purses!

Deck Snow Angels!

What is going on outside???

Tom is curious...

Cathy had the great idea to make a snow angel on the deck!

...So did Ty...

Like Mother like Daughter.

Storm Damage

We had a lot of tree limbs fall as a result of all the snow...you can see our yard is just covered.

Tom needed to relax before he got to work on all those limbs...

New Year's Eve in Eastern Washington

We went to Cave B Winery in Eastern Washington for New Year's. This was our place.

Tom and his 'magic' whistle fingers...

Hiking around on January 1st.

Dad's Day!

Cuvee the winery dog...came to stay with us one night.

Tom at Dad's Day Dinner.

Christmas in Bend, Oregon

Santa got a brand new bag! Cathy gave this figure to me for Christmas and she just works perfectly with Santa...he'll enjoy her every year.

Tom got a new hat...

If you look closely they are almost touching each other...

This is what Jessie did one day...

So Tommy did too...

Dad waxed the skiis! I told him this doesn't count as ironing.

Winter Wonderland

We were completely snowed in and for some reason Tom decided to see if he could drive out of our driveway...

Look at the tracks...he DROVE the car backwards, but the downward tracks are skids and he is about 6" from a huge rock taking out his front end.

This is what it looked like when we got back from out 6 mile hike for chains...

He ended up having to shovel the entire driveway to get the car out of this...